Tag: Middle School

Quality Clothing

What is a high quality garment? Do brand names necessarily mean that an item is high quality? Which do you use more in evaluating apparel; quality, price or your knowledge about quality? How much does the price of a garment tell you about the quality of the apparel you buy?

Personal Finance Resources

“Many young people fail in the management of their first consumer credit experience, establish bad financial management habits, and stumble through their lives learning by trial and error” states the Jump$tart Coalition. From this reality many programs have emerged all with one goal- to financially educate our young people. On this post I tried to list many of the notable programs, games, and websites that provide resources for financial literacy.

Electric Quilt

Electric Quilt integrates sewing with technology. It allows students to combine blocks, borders and virtual fabrics, turning their computer screen into a design wall. The program allows one to print quilt labels, draw original block designs, and even import scanned fabric and photos.

Comparison Food Shopping: Buying Groceries for Two People for One Week

Basically this lesson is a challenge for students to make nutritious meals using the food guide pyramid for $60 a week and to find all their pricing and food choices from local grocery store fliers. The students would cut out what they wanted to purchase and paste them on a food pyramid chart for each meal. The students would then total the amount of dollars spent and estimate the amount of calories consumed for each meal.