Tag: Middle School

Tourism Lessons

This lesson forces students to think about the travel & tourism industry as a whole, historically. There are two projects that have students plan a vacation for a specific amount of money. There is also a mini assignment that has students create a timeline of how the travel/tourism industry changed over time in America. Finally, there is an mini-paper assignment about the future of tourism/travel.

Looking for Parenting Curriculum? Check out COPE24! (sponsored post)

Every so often I will write a sponsored post. I allow companies who have products or services that I think would be helpful to you as readers advertise through a sponsored post. COPE24 is a parenting curriculum that is unique in that it is not a typical lecture style DVD but rather a DVD with realistic scenarios that parents deal with that are open ended allowing for plenty of discussion opportunities.

Tie up your Administrator: Design Challenge

This creative lesson is a design challenge that reaches beyond your classroom. Students are put in groups and assigned an administrator to interview and then design a tie for. This lesson focuses on the customer side of the fashion design world where customers are an integral part of choosing what they wear and what they’ll pay for. Of course a bonus is that administrators get to see what you do in your classroom!

Choose MyPlate Lessons, Worksheets, Activities

Since the new FDA food guide recommendations came out we’ve all scrambled to revamp our nutrition lessons to meet the new requirements. Since it has been a few months there are new resources available that you should be aware of. You’ll find links, lesson plans, power points, worksheets, and products to help you stay on top of the changes.

Project Accessory Classroom Style

Based on the My Lifetime show, Project Accessory this lesson will challenge your students to design accessories for an outfit of their choice. The objective of this lesson is to test student’s design skills and practical application of the elements and principles of design and color. Skills required: matching colors & patterns, sewing, construction, neatness, flexibility, adaptability.

Thanksgiving Ideas for your Classroom

The holiday season can be stressful for us as the students get riled up in anticipation of school break, classes get shorter making it hard to cram our lessons into half days, and our personal lives get busy. I personally view holidays as a way to celebrate with students and take some of the pressure off of the normal academia pacing that at this time of the semester can leave us all exhausted. Here are a few holiday ideas to either help your department raise money, fit in some extra holiday excitement, or comply with a half day schedule.

Little Dresses for Africa

Want an easy sewing project that help your students and school feel good too? Nancy’s Notions, a popular sewing tools & pattern store have come up with this charitable project for African children–a Pillow case re-purposed into a little girl’s dress.

Pop Tarts from Scratch

I don’t know if you like pop tarts or not but they have a large student following. Personally I think the crust tastes like cardboard but I guess kids don’t notice. Why not learn how to make kid’s favorite snack from scratch and turn it into an experiment?