Tag: junior high

Food Traditions: Mock Blog

This year has me feeling a bit nostalgic as our traditional holiday get togethers are in question due to the increase in covid cases across the country. Because of this, I decided to devote “Food Traditions: Mock Blog as my second quarter writing topic for my Exploring Foods class. Let me explain….

Food Safety Lab: Baked Ground Beef Kabobs

This is a great lab for students to apply food safety skills in the kitchen with or without living and teaching in the world of COVID-19! I have included a possible way to do this lab as an interactive class demonstration, especially if you have some lab restrictions. If times were normal, this recipe is still doable as a class demo or as individual group preparation (just adjust the recipe accordingly). I hope you find this Food Safety Lab: Baked Ground Beef Kabobs helpful in these unprecidented times!

Be a Great Sitter! Mini-Unit

In the last few months I’ve had several requests for babysitting lessons! It wasn’t that I didn’t have the lessons to share previously…they just needed to be freshened up! So after updating my lessons, the “Be a Great Sitter! Mini-Unit” is finally ready to share. I have always taught this “Be a Great Sitter! Mini Unit” to junior high students, but I see no reason why it couldn’t be used in a senior high class as well.

Resources for Teaching about Chocolate

Who doesn’t love chocolate? For me, dark chocolate hits the spot! Every. Single. Time! If you are a chocoholic or just enjoy the taste, you may also enjoy the following resources for teaching about chocolate. Many can be used in this world of remote teaching, but can also be used in the traditional classroom!

43 Minute Lab Series: Mini-Cheesy Garlic Bread

After noticing continuous requests for lab suggestions that are doable in 43 minute class periods, I’ve decided to do a recurring series featuring recipes that can be completed from beginning to end in a 43 minute time frame. In addition, I will include my pre-lab review questions that pertain specifically to the recipe. This helps to ensure that students are reading the recipe. It also allows me time to show any videos that may demonstrate the product or specific techniques. So, without further ado, I present the first recipe in the 43 Minute Lab Series: Mini-Cheesy Garlic Bread!

KWL Vegetarianism E-Learning Activity

Under normal teaching conditions, I teach my mini-unit on vegetarianism in a completely different way! Having to teach remotely, however, forced me to develop the KWL Vegetarianism E-Learning activity in order to cover the material. Students learn about various types of vegetarians, explore reasons people choose to become vegetarian along with the pros and cons and then students must take a stance. So, if you teach this topic, check out the KWL Vegetarianism E-Learning activity!

Friendship Lesson

This lesson comes to you from Katelyn Propper….once again, THANK YOU for sharing and helping us all be great together! The Friendship lesson can be taught as an E-Learning assignment, but also would be a great addition to the traditional classroom if you teach about healthy interpersonal relationships. I know I intend to incorporate Katelyn’s Friendship lesson into my Individual & Family Studies class in the next school year!

Grain Bowl E-Learning Assignment

THANK YOU to Nikki Heflin for sharing her Grain Bowl E-Learning Assignment! This is a wonderful collection of notes, assignments and lab options! I can’t express how happy it makes my heart that so many of you are willing to share your ideas so that we may all get through this distance learning together and successfully! As I always say, “Let’s be Great Together”! If you are collecting flex lessons, I hope you add this Grain Bowl E-Learning assignment to it!

Kitchen Tools E-Learning Assignment

Since no one is quite sure what the next school year will look like, I’ve been working on updating some of my lessons for remote learning…just in case! This Kitchen Tools E-Learning Assignment comes to you early as I had a teacher request for some engaging ways to teach kitchen tools remotely. Not only can this Kitchen Tools E-Learning assignment be used in remote learning, but could also be used in the regular classroom.

Baby Sign Language Project for E-Learning

Another THANK YOU to Katelyn Propper who has shared back her adaptation of my original Baby Sign Language lesson. Katelyn’s version of Baby Sign Language Project for E-Learning is set up for remote learning and covers all of the information using a variety of technologies. Read on to see how she’s done this in her Baby Sign Language Project for E-Learning!