Tag: High School

Food Safety Lab: Baked Ground Beef Kabobs

This is a great lab for students to apply food safety skills in the kitchen with or without living and teaching in the world of COVID-19! I have included a possible way to do this lab as an interactive class demonstration, especially if you have some lab restrictions. If times were normal, this recipe is still doable as a class demo or as individual group preparation (just adjust the recipe accordingly). I hope you find this Food Safety Lab: Baked Ground Beef Kabobs helpful in these unprecidented times!

Adulting Hyperdoc

Because I have to have all of my assignments Google Classroom friendly, I recreated the adulting hyperdoc to include activities I normally do at the beginning of the year in my Career & Consumer Sciences class (aka adulting). This adulting hyperdoc easily transitions from the traditional classroom to a virtual classroom so no matter your teaching situation this fall, you’re covered!

43 Minute Lab Series: Cloud Eggs

After noticing continuous requests for lab suggestions that are doable in 43 minute class periods, I’ve decided to do a recurring series, featuring recipes that can be completed from beginning to end in a 43 minute time frame. In some cases, longer recipes will broken into two day labs. In addition, I will include my pre-lab review questions that pertain specifically to the recipe. This helps to ensure that students are reading the recipe. It also allows me time to show any videos that may demonstrate the product or specific techniques. So, without further ado, I present the first recipe in the 43 Minute Lab Series: Cloud Eggs!

Baby in Progress Hyperdoc

Anticipating the possibility of having to teach remotely or a blend of traditional and virtual, I’ve been trying to revise some of my hands-on activities to make them more compatible with 1:1 technology. The Baby in Progress Hyperdoc is a digital lesson that incorporates the prenatal development concepts learned in the Pregnancy Towers index card activity. The beauty of this Baby in Progress Hyperdoc is that the Pregnancy Tower group activity can be subbed in for the digital “What Month Am I?” activity if traditional teaching returns!

Be a Great Sitter! Mini-Unit

In the last few months I’ve had several requests for babysitting lessons! It wasn’t that I didn’t have the lessons to share previously…they just needed to be freshened up! So after updating my lessons, the “Be a Great Sitter! Mini-Unit” is finally ready to share. I have always taught this “Be a Great Sitter! Mini Unit” to junior high students, but I see no reason why it couldn’t be used in a senior high class as well.

Whole Grains: Group Assignment using Google Forms & Zoom

I had the privilege of meeting Darci Friberg in person, last summer while presenting at the Missouri FACS Conference! Darci uses a lot of technology when teaching her students and she shared back with me a way to take a traditional group activity and turn it into a digital activity using Google Forms and Zoom breakout rooms. The whole grain group assignment using Google Forms & Zoom is an alternate way to complete the original group assignment in the Whole Grains lesson in case your school is going virtual or blended with teaching in the future.

Resources for Teaching about Chocolate

Who doesn’t love chocolate? For me, dark chocolate hits the spot! Every. Single. Time! If you are a chocoholic or just enjoy the taste, you may also enjoy the following resources for teaching about chocolate. Many can be used in this world of remote teaching, but can also be used in the traditional classroom!

Inflation & Savings Scenarios

When teaching about the importance of saving money at an early age, many students don’t see the value in it at this stage of their lives. They think because they are teens they’ve got plenty of time to build their savings account and investment portfolio and it’s not something their inclined to do or worry about as young adults. This lesson introduces students to several “Inflation & Savings Scenarios” showing students the value of saving over time using a variety of investments from safe to higher risk.

Promoting STEM: Role Models & Activities

There are tons of articles about including and promoting STEM to our students. I decided to add this “STEM: Role Models & Activities” lesson and project into my child development class. I want my students to not only understand what STEM is, but why it’s important to expose and encourage it with young children.

KWL Vegetarianism E-Learning Activity

Under normal teaching conditions, I teach my mini-unit on vegetarianism in a completely different way! Having to teach remotely, however, forced me to develop the KWL Vegetarianism E-Learning activity in order to cover the material. Students learn about various types of vegetarians, explore reasons people choose to become vegetarian along with the pros and cons and then students must take a stance. So, if you teach this topic, check out the KWL Vegetarianism E-Learning activity!