Family Birth Order

Study after study shows that birth order plays a huge role in developing one’s personality.  Each birth order position has a unique set of characteristics.  This lesson engages every student in the class because everyone has a birth order position…

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Pinata Christmas Cookies

Making Christmas cookies is fun but always challenging to find new, fresh ideas from the traditional basics. Pinata cookies are cookies that have candies in the center (like a pinata) that are not baked with the candy in the center…

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Strong Family Traits Inspired by Duck Dynasty

There’s a lot of buzz out there about this popular TV show called “Duck Dynasty” so I decided to watch it and discovered that it would be a great show to illustrate the traits of a strong family. This lesson introduces the traits of strong families to students, helps them recognize the traits in their own families as well as others, and then students create a PSA to help spread the word on the importance of strong families.

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Thanksgiving Lessons, Worksheets, PowerPoints

Here are a few holiday ideas to either help your department raise money, fit in some extra holiday excitement, or comply with a half day schedule. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Extreme Lesson Plan Make Over: Leavening Agents

Christine, a family and consumer science teacher from New Jersey submitted her leavening agents lesson plan for a makeover. This is what she said about it, “I love that I am attempting to show show the students the food science…

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Leavening Agents Lab

In this lesson, baking soda, baking powder, and yeast are compared and contrasted through lab experimentation with the three leavening agents. Time Frame: 52 Minutes Class Size: 24 Objectives The students will understand which chemical reactions occur that cause baked…

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