The Many Layers of Onions

When I was a child you couldn’t pay me enough to eat an onion in any way, shape or form, and when I did have to work with them they always made me cry! As an adult, I’ve come to appreciate the value of the onion, not only for the flavor it adds to whatever I’m cooking or preparing, but also for the health benefits it provides. So bring on the onions to help add some sweetness and zip to your meals as well as your health!

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The ABC’s of Eating Disorders

The National Institute of Mental Health reports that 2.7 percent of teens (both males and females) between the ages of Be Aware13-18 will struggle with an eating disorder. In my school that would calculate out to approximately 20 students, which is 20 students too many! It’s important to teach students what eating disorders are, what their characteristics are including the warning signs, why they occur and how to get help.

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The Shopping Challenge Lesson

#182153373 /   This lesson allows students to create a two week menu and shopping list that will include all of the food and beverage items they will need to survive two weeks without starving or becoming dehydrated. To…

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Six Essential Nutrients Lesson Plan

Essential nutrients are those that must be provided through a balanced diet as the body cannot make them or make nutrient.chain.Ithem in sufficient amounts. Every food we eat is made up of nutrients. Trying to get teenagers to understand the importance of eating key nutrients and what they do for our bodies can be challenging as there is so much information and sometimes only a limited time in which to teach it. So in order to give students an overview of the key nutrients without taking several weeks to cover the materials, I developed a combination of teacher directed and student directed activities. To help students understand the amount of nutrients in the foods they choose, I have students participate in a Tater Topper lab and then “Profile Their Potato” for essentials nutrients using the My Recipe portion of Supertracker.

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May’s Teacher of the Month: Elizabeth Wilhelm

Elizabeth Wilhelm is May’s teacher of the month. If you think you are an innovative Family Consumer Science teacher enter to win the FACS Teacher of the Month competition by sending us your story!

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Birthday Party Project

There are times throughout the year that I need some “filler” activities due to testing schedules, the loss of seniors partybecause of graduation, etc. I don’t want to give my students free periods so I came up with a practical, creative project of planning a child’s birthday party. Originally this project was designed for my child development class as a team building activity but it could be used in a family unit as well. While this project is just about planning a party and the concepts that go with it, and fit into my time frame, you could easily adapt this project and make it relate to budgeting by giving students price limits or even make it a competition and incorporate a “cupcake wars” style approach. Either way students enjoy planning parties!

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