Choices & Consequences During Pregnancy

Before teaching my unit on prenatal care, I like to find out what my students already know about the subject. Sometimes aGroup.Discussion.Activity great way to do this is to have an all out brainstorm, discussion type of session prior to getting into individual lesson topics. This activity gets students thinking about the positive and negative consequences of choices that need to be considered while pregnant. Not only does this activity get students thinking, but it allows for them to discuss their ideas as well. The discussions can be in partners, small groups or as a whole class. Students can be given a participation grade based on the oral sharing of their ideas. In order to receive their points, they must share aloud. This gets those shy, quiet students you never hear from involved.

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Time to BAKE the Doughnuts!

Whether you are celebrating Fat Tuesday, National Doughnut Day or just need a fun, tasty dessert or snack, this lesson brings you donutsome healthy ideas for incorporating this usually unhealthy treat into your class. Continue reading for some historical background on these mini-pastries, along with how they are commercially made and then bake up some sweetness by preparing a healthy version of the baked vanilla doughnut. And don’t forget the healthy topping too!

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Project Brainstorm: Let us help you! This month’s topic is Microwaves

We are going to pose a topic and ask you to “help us help you” by just sharing one thing you did whether it be an activity, a video clip, infographic, reading, TPT product, etc. when teaching that topic. We believe everyone will win in the end as you’ll have a new lesson or at least a lot of new ideas and resources to pull from. Check back often as this page will be updated as resources come in.

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Ideas For Teaching About the Family

I love teaching about the family, but finding interactive ways to teach the various concepts regarding the family can be challenging. Ifamily.slide have spent a great deal of time over the years developing and creating a cache of ideas to pull from when teaching a lesson or unit on the family. Below you will find some ideas that may be of help when trying to pull together a unit on the family. If you have additional ideas for teaching about the family please share in the comment section.

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Super Hero Child Development Lesson

This is a lesson for child development lab where high schoolers can perform this lesson with preschoolers. Have students make their own superhero outfits to wear for this lesson ahead of time. This lesson allows students to find the best qualities in each child and use them to make a child feel special.

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Babysitting Materials

Many middle school Family and Consumer Science courses contain at least one unit in babysitting. Babysitting can be a challenge to teach as the standard is the Red Cross’s course. Here are some helpful resources for teaching baby sitting to your students.

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