Grading Kitchen Lab Performance

Grading cooking labs is challenging mostly because you can’t see everything all at the same time, never mind write it down. I see many requests for lab evaluations. Here is what I could find that other teachers around the country use. Some are better than others. There are at least enough ideas to get you started in creating your own lab grading method.

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Empathy Lesson

Do you have students that find it difficult to put themselves in another’s shoes and see things from someone else’s perspective? Have they ever judged someone without really getting to know them? My guess is you have; we all have! This lesson explores empathy as students practice applying empathy skills in order to strengthen their emotional intelligence which will help them as they move forward in life.

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Teaching About Fashion Trends

It’s interesting to watch the trends in fashion change as new ideas emerge and old favorites get an update! Like history, fashion is bound to repeat itself and what’s old will become “new” again to a new generation! If you teach a course on fashion, you no doubt incorporate a lesson or unit on fashion trends. Read on to get an update on activities for teaching an old favorite!

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Housing Resources

Teach a course, unit, or lesson on housing? Look no further for ready to use ideas and resources! I’ve started a collection of resources based on topics. If you have an activity, lesson or resource to share, please share in the comment section below.

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Cooking Show BINGO

My students love cooking shows (especially the competitive ones) and so do I!  With that being said,  I wanted to be able to use them in an interactive way, not just with questions that had to be written out and answered.  I wanted to be able to engage my students and have some educational fun at the same time. A former student of mine, who just happens to be a computer genius and good friend of my son, designed and gifted me with this computer generated Cooking Show BINGO board game. This Google Sheets program has the capability of creating different board versions at the click of some keys so it saves having to manually recreate and reproduce different boards for your students!  How cool is that? Read on to learn more about how you can create these for your classroom use.

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Did You Know?… Versatile Poster Activity

Ever need an activity that is easy to do, requires little prep and is totally adaptable to any class?  The activity I’m sharing in this post is one of those and is super easy to leave with a sub if you know you’re going to be out.  How do I know this?  Because I used it in two different classes on different days and with different subs and the student outcomes were no less than impressive!  The format is basically the same, you just have to change out your topic, hence the versatility!

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