3-D Housing Final

Do you teach a Housing or Interior Design class? Are in need of an end of the year project? If you answered “yes,” you must check out this impressive 3-D “Housing Final” project created and shared by Katelyn Propper of Indiana. Now, more than ever, students need a break from their screens and this hands-on housing project delivers that and more!

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TikTok: Non-Verbal Communication Project

During an interview, the messages our non-verbal body language convey can speak as loudly and clearly as the words coming out of our mouths! My students love Tiktok and begged me to create some projects that utilized the app. This TikTok: Non-Verbal Communication Project: 10 Non-Verbals to AVOID during an Interview was one of them! Because my students had so much fun with this, I thought I’d share it so you could try it out with your students!

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Fair Food Truck DINB Project

If you teach about food trucks and are also into digital interactive notebooks, then this “Fair Food Truck DINB Project” from Lindsey Harlan is just for you! Lindsey, a FACS teacher from Arkansas, created this as a final project for her Food Safety & Nutrition class. Want more inspiration? Check out Lindsey’s Facebook group: “FCS Digital Notebooks”.

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March Madness Menu Planning with Recipe Rehab

During this time of synchronous and asynchronous learning, students enrolled in Sasha Roble’s F&N program must be provided with alternative non-cooking assignments. During this unit of study, students learn how to rehab or alter recipes using The Mayo Clinic’s Five Recipe Make-Over Tips. Students then apply those five tips to a March Madness Menu Planning with Recipe Rehab Assignment.

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Upcycled Wipe Container Project

Upcycling gives us the opportunity to turn items, otherwise deemed trash, into something creative and functional! And thanks to Missouri FACS teacher Amy Harkey, baby wipe lids can be repurposed into an educational child development activity! Amy shares her adapted and interactive “Upcycled Wipe Container Project” with us! Read on to see what she has her students creating!

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Comfort Food Lesson & Lab

Who doesn’t indulge in comfort foods from time to time? During the pandemic, comfort foods have been a “go to” for many people, me included! In this “Comfort Food Lesson & Lab,” students explore what comfort foods are and why we crave them. Additionally, they share their own “go to” comfort foods before preparing a common comfort food in the lab.

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