Clothing & Fashion Design PowerPoints, Worksheets & Links

Lesson Plans Short Pants Pattern & Tutorial Want to Teach Ethical Fashion to Kids, Here’s How Links Sewing Machine Parts Online Quiz 4-H Curriculum License 2 DriveĀ (PDF) – sewing on the lines Puppet Party(PDF) – sewing a puppet

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Interior Design PowerPoints, Worksheets & Links

Lesson Plans Color wheel mobileĀ (PDF) Edible Color Wheel Lesson Elements and Principles of Design Worksheets Color Theory (PDF) Color Wheel (Word) Elements and Principals of Art (TPT) Daylight Design & Technique Worksheet (PDF) Powerpoints Elements and Principles of Design (PPT)…

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Child Development PowerPoints, Worksheets & Links

Lesson Plans Homemade Vs. Store Baby Food Technology & Toddlers Diaper Cost Analysis What do Babies Think? Bedtime Fears Feeding Picky Eaters Multiple Intelligences Child Development Theorists Puppet Show PowerPoint Attachments (PPT) Worksheets & Handouts Birth Defects Blank Chart (Word)…

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Teacher of the Month: Karen Conklin

Karen Conklin has been a Family and Consumer Science teacher for 19 years and she is currently teaching middle school in central Connecticut. I had the distinct privileged of interviewing her while she was attending the Twist Craft Fair–a craft show she says is “inspiring, a place to get ideas, and keep up on the latest trends.”

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Introduction to Vegetables

Vegetables, is one of those topics that is just lacking luster nevertheless, I start my second year culinary students off with the vegetable unit-but in an exciting way that I like to call the “be brave taste test!” In this introductory lesson, students get to taste ten different vegetables prepared a variety of ways, as well as learn how vegetables are classified.

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Stitching Paper

Do you remember when you first learned how to sew on the sewing machine? For me it was when I was a little girl. I had to prove myself by sewing on paper before I was allowed to use thread. (Thread meant the challenging task of threading the sewing machine properly). So this lesson is designed for students completely new to sewing…starting with the basics.

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