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Community Service Ideas for the FACS Classroom

Once upon a time in my school we had what were called “Activity Periods” that altered the normal school schedule for one day a week, allowing students to join clubs that met during that period. Another teacher and I ran what we called “The Give Back Club” which was basically a club where we did community service projects that “gave back” to the community. Those activity periods gave way to more class time due to state testing long ago, but I still like to involve my students in community service projects throughout the year, depending on the topics, lessons and units we are covering. Below are a variety of easy, inexpensive projects that students can create to help give back to their communities. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know in the comment section below.

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Kitchen Safety Chart for Kids

Teach about kitchen safety? Who doesn’t need a visual reminder from time to time of how to be safe in the kitchen, especially when working with younger students? This chart was created and shared by middle school FACS teacher, Debbie Madson, from Virginia.

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Genetically Modified Foods, known as GMO’s, are foods that have had their genes altered through science or genetic engineering, which is monitored through the EPA, the FDA and the USDA. Did you know that many of the foods found in our grocery stores contain at least one ingredient that has been genetically modified? Should we be informed as consumers when this process is affecting the foods we eat? Should genetically modified foods be labeled? There is a huge debate surrounding this dispute. How do your students weigh in on this topic?

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Children & Crafts: Creating Flower Crafts with Snapguide

As a child I loved doing arts and crafts and still do today! As a parent I loved doing them with my own children! Crafts have hidden benefits that many don’t realize, not only in creating them, but also in teaching others how to create them. This lesson helps students break down their ideas into easy to understand steps using Snapguide technology to help them convey directions and visuals to create a flower!

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A Taste of Herbs & Spices

There are so many herbs and spices out there that it’s hard to know where to start! In the past, I’ve had my students pick an herb or spice to research and present to the rest of the class. While that was okay, I wanted something a little more “spicy” (pardon my pun) and interactive. After wracking my brain for how I was going to do this, I put it aside for a while. Finally, after months of mulling this over in my head, the following activities and labs came to fruition and were worth the wait! I hope your students like it as much as mine did!

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Handling Temper Tantrums

The bane of every parent or caregiver is the temper tantrum! Temper tantrums are a normal part of every child’s behavior during the terrible two’s and trying three’s! So, how do we handle them when they occur? Let students build an arsenal of techniques as they explore what’s appropriate and inappropriate in the lesson and activity below.

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Meat Unit: Resources & Labs

Thinking about teaching a unit on meat such as beef, pork or lamb and need ideas? Look no further! Below are resources that may be helpful to you in the planning of lessons. If you have additional ideas or resources, please share in the comment section below.

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Family Crises Awareness Quilt Project

When teaching about families in crisis I like to specifically focus on a select few that often vary from one year to the next. quilt.blocks. However, I also like students to be aware that there are a multitude of crises that families can face throughout their lives. In order to make them aware, I like to have students select a crisis and find an article about it to read and summarize. After summarizing and connecting their feelings to the issue, I like to have them make a classroom quilt square depicting their selected crisis. When put together, it makes a statement about specific crises and draws others in to make them aware of issues facing families today.

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Hidden Hazards & Make Safe Happen App Review

This year my school decided to implement Professional Learning Communities, focusing on the Reading Apprenticeship model, in addition to using the Collins Writing program that was initiated last year. We have also been encouraged to be the “guide on the side” and have more student centered or directed learning taking place in our classrooms. With all of this in mind, my mission was to develop a couple of activities to try out the concepts in my child development class. A friend had just shared the Parenting magazine article on Hidden Hazards with me and it seemed like it would be a good fit. I’m glad to say I had very engaged students who were sharing, brainstorming, using technology and writing! Mission accomplished!

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The Freshman 15 Game Board Project

During my unit titled “Off to College”, we talk about a variety of topics related to college living and dorm life. One of these topics includes the “Freshmen 15”. Students always wonder if it’s true and if so, how does it happen. Since students were curious, I decided to let them figure out the answers by having them research the topic and create a game board that incorporated all of the information they learned in a fun, creative and competitive way. Students took turns playing each others games, providing feedback and learning something about the “Freshman 15”!

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