Category: Life Skills Resources

Perfect for Your Classroom: A Politically Neutral Novel about Teenage Pregnancy (sponsored post)

Every so often I will write a sponsored post. I allow companies who have products or services that I think would be helpful to you as readers advertise through a sponsored post.

The book, Butterflies in May, is a story about teen pregnancy that can be used in your classroom. Bancroft Publishing would like to give you complimentary copy to review.

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Character Resources

Books Good Ideas to Help Young People Develop Good Character: Ways to Teach the Six Pillars of Character The six pillars of character discussed in this book are Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Articles Teaching Millennials More Effectively…

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Good Relationship Resources

Dibble Fund: a research based organization that provides educational tools for educators to educate teens on how to be emotionally healthy and have healthy relationships. Their latest Love Notes Lesson Plans: Relationship curriculum for teenagers. Sample lessons are provided for…

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