Category: Family

Pregnancy & Smoking

In order to capture the attention of your students, sometimes you have to resort to shock value tactics! This is sometimessmoking.pregnant necessary to do when teaching about really important topics that affect, not only themselves, but others too. Smoking during pregnancy would be one of those topics. This lesson takes approximately one period to teach (maybe a little more if you don’t give homework), but leaves students with a lasting impression of how this unhealthy habit can leave life long effects on their unborn child.

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Ideas For Teaching About the Family

I love teaching about the family, but finding interactive ways to teach the various concepts regarding the family can be challenging. Ifamily.slide have spent a great deal of time over the years developing and creating a cache of ideas to pull from when teaching a lesson or unit on the family. Below you will find some ideas that may be of help when trying to pull together a unit on the family. If you have additional ideas for teaching about the family please share in the comment section.

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Parenting Styles

Diana Baumrind, a developmental psychologist, is known for her research on parenting styles. Parenting styles represent approaches to how parents manage their children’s behavior, which in turn influences their development. This lesson explores the four different approaches and used clips from television and movies to test students’ understanding of them.

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Childhood Obesity…The Rest of the Story Activity

Critical thinking and problem solving skills are definitely needed for today’s teens to prepare for the real world and life The rest of the storyon their own or with their future families. What better way to prepare them than to provide them with a real life scenario that needs to be solved. In this activity students are introduced to a problem and must work together as a group to figure out and creatively write and present the “rest of the story”,as the late Paul Harvey would say on his radio broadcasts. The beauty of this activity is that you can create a scenario that needs solved using any crisis type topic. I used childhood obesity, but you can use other important topics such as bullying, eating disorders, teen pregnancy, financial debt, finding quality day care, divorce, dating violence, aging and more. So let the scenarios begin!

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Importance of Family TIME

Fact is life is super BUSY for most families!! A lot of families are trying to juggle their time between family and obligations, household responsibilities and personal needs. Sometimes, as parents, we find it challenging to find balance in this process in order to have precious quality time left over to spend with the important people in our lives. This lesson helps students understand the importance of quality time with little ones by using a variety of illustrations and activities.

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Birthday Party Project

There are times throughout the year that I need some “filler” activities due to testing schedules, the loss of seniors partybecause of graduation, etc. I don’t want to give my students free periods so I came up with a practical, creative project of planning a child’s birthday party. Originally this project was designed for my child development class as a team building activity but it could be used in a family unit as well. While this project is just about planning a party and the concepts that go with it, and fit into my time frame, you could easily adapt this project and make it relate to budgeting by giving students price limits or even make it a competition and incorporate a “cupcake wars” style approach. Either way students enjoy planning parties!

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Fotor Photo Collages & Family Traditions

Families are unique and each family has different practices that become traditions over the years.  Traditions can be established early in life and will often be remembered and practiced into adulthood.  This project allows students to create a collage using…

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Family Birth Order

Study after study shows that birth order plays a huge role in developing one’s personality.  Each birth order position has a unique set of characteristics.  This lesson engages every student in the class because everyone has a birth order position…

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Strong Family Traits Inspired by Duck Dynasty

There’s a lot of buzz out there about this popular TV show called “Duck Dynasty” so I decided to watch it and discovered that it would be a great show to illustrate the traits of a strong family. This lesson introduces the traits of strong families to students, helps them recognize the traits in their own families as well as others, and then students create a PSA to help spread the word on the importance of strong families.

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Time to Feed the Baby: Homemade or Store Bought?

  New parents are faced with a lot of new experiences and decisions that need to be made.  Upon birth a new parent must decide whether or not to breast feed or bottle feed. Then when the infant reaches approximately…

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