Category: Character

Character Resources

Books Good Ideas to Help Young People Develop Good Character: Ways to Teach the Six Pillars of Character The six pillars of character discussed in this book are Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Articles Teaching Millennials More Effectively…

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Life Long Learning Book Report

This project is a part of a high school senior life skills class. I explain to the students that after high school it is really up to them to engage in learning on their own. No one is going to spoon feed them. One of the ways adults learn is by reading books on subjects that they need to work on or learn more about.

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Discovering Your Life’s Purpose

The subject of purpose is often not taught in school. It brings up lots of other questions and often the uncomfortable topics of belief and religion for the teacher and student alike. The goal of this lesson is to help students examine their past which they cannot change, create their present, and plan and dream for their future to be satisfied with their lives when it is all said and done. The students will investigate what they want out of life and what they can contribute to society during their life times.

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