Category: Health & Wellness

March Madness Menu Planning with Recipe Rehab

During this time of synchronous and asynchronous learning, students enrolled in Sasha Roble’s F&N program must be provided with alternative non-cooking assignments. During this unit of study, students learn how to rehab or alter recipes using The Mayo Clinic’s Five Recipe Make-Over Tips. Students then apply those five tips to a March Madness Menu Planning with Recipe Rehab Assignment.

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Comfort Food Lesson & Lab

Who doesn’t indulge in comfort foods from time to time? During the pandemic, comfort foods have been a “go to” for many people, me included! In this “Comfort Food Lesson & Lab,” students explore what comfort foods are and why we crave them. Additionally, they share their own “go to” comfort foods before preparing a common comfort food in the lab.

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All About Lasagna!

Throughout my foods course, I try to expose my students to a variety of global dishes. While lasagna is a well known dish, few of my studenst have actually prepared it from scratch. So, in addition to my pasta unit and my casserole unit, I taught them “All About Lasgna!” Read on to learn how!

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5 Clue Challenge

Engaging students while being digital only can be tricky! One activity that my students enjoyed was the “5 Clue Challenge”. It is super easy to implement and it does engage students in a variety of ways. The beauty of it, as always, is that it can be used in both the traditional and remote classroom settings!

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Exercise & Children Hyperdoc

With growing concerns about the overall wellness of children, I often include special topics in my child development class that address specific issues and/or concerns. This Exercise & Children Hyperdoc is one of them! Exercise and being healthy is one of my personal passions and, in my opinion, begins in childhood! So, I hope you find this Exercise & Children Hyperdoc lesson useful in your classroom, regardless of how you are teaching this year.

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Tortilla Trends: Lesson & Lab

As soon as the tortilla trends video hit my news feed, I watched it and knew I had to find a way to use it in my foods class! Am I glad I did because the “Tortilla Trends: Lesson and Lab” was a huge hit with my students!

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Hunger Awareness Project

Optimistic, enthusiastic and passionate are three adjectives I would use to describe Marybeth Motasem, a FACS teacher from Ohio. Equally impressive is her Hunger Awareness Project and willingness to share! Inspired by a response she received to a writing prompt and the pandemic, the hunger awareness project was born.

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Ground Beef Web Activity

Happy New Year! I was in the middle of my Pasta Unit and planned to move into meats and proteins afterwards, but then we went remote. Needless to say, my plans went by the wayside…so to speak. Since the plan was to begin with beef, I decided to forge ahead and create this E-Learning Ground Beef Web Activity for my students to complete virtually. As many of the lessons found on this website, this activity could easily be used in the regular classroom–the only thing missing are the labs!

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Stir Fry Interactive

The Stir Fry Interactive assignment is an assignment for my students to complete digitally, in Google Classroom. This Stir Fry Interactive E-Learning assignment takes students through a variety of concepts related to stir fry cooking such as the origins, the benefits of cooking this way, knife cuts, featured characteristics, food group analysis, cooking steps, and chopstick etiquette. If you’re able to cook, a vegetable stir fry recipe is included to practice those referenced knife cuts. If you are unable to cook, students still learn alot about stir fry cooking!

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43 Minute Lab Series: Shake a Pudding

After noticing continuous requests for lab suggestions that are doable in 43 minute class periods, I’ve decided to do a recurring series, featuring recipes that can be completed from beginning to end in a 43 minute time frame. In some cases, longer recipes will broken into two day labs. In addition, I will include my pre-lab review questions that pertain specifically to the recipe. This helps to ensure that students are reading the recipe. It also allows me time to show any videos that may demonstrate the product or specific techniques. So, without further ado, I present the 43 Minute Lab Series: Shake a Pudding!

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