Category: Health & Wellness

43 Minute Lab Series: Baked French Toast

After noticing continuous requests for lab suggestions that are doable in 43 minute class periods, I’ve decided to do a recurring series, featuring recipes that can be completed from beginning to end in a 43 minute time frame. In some cases, longer recipes will broken into two day labs. In addition, I will include my pre-lab review questions that pertain specifically to the recipe. This helps to ensure that students are reading the recipe. It also allows me time to show any videos that may demonstrate the product or specific techniques. So, without further ado, I present the 43 Minute Lab Series: Baked French Toast!

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Nutrient Advertising Campaign

We’ve probably all experienced a time when we were teaching that a student said the topic was boring! If and/or when that happens, put your students in the drivers seat and let them be the “instructors” of the information you want them to learn. Let them see how challenging it can be to be the teacher or often the “entertainer” of pertinent information!  This Nutrient Advertising Campaign assignment does just that! Students must put together a persuasive ad campaign for an assigned nutrient and share it with the class. You may find they like presenting this way and you can use it with other topics or they’ll stop complaining when you are teaching!

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Air Fryer Lesson

Several years ago, I had extra money in my budget to purchase some air fryers for my classroom.  While I incorporated labs using the air fryers as a method of food preparation, I never actually created a lesson around the small appliance.  Fast forward or rewind to…a few months ago, I had an inquiry for an Air Fryer Lesson and that was all the incentive I needed to put my ideas into play.  So, if you are in need of a little more information on the air fryer before letting your students prepare food in them, please read on!

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Autism Mini-Lesson

April is National Autism awareness month so I thought it would be a good time to share a mini-lesson on the subject. The Autism Mini-Lesson gives an overview of Autism, dispelling the myths from the facts and culminating with an awareness project. This would be a great addition to your disabilities unit or use as a stand alone for your child development or parenting classes.

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Influence & Impact of Social Media on Food, Diet, Nutrition & Body

When teaching about what influences our food choices, it’s important to include the impact of social media. This lesson, Influence & Impact of Social Media on Food, Diet, Nutrition & Body is a ready to use resource that does that in a variety of ways. Be sure to check it out!

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In my Exploring Foods class, I try to cover a variety of ethnic and regional foods. Quesadillas are a perfect fit for both Mexican and Southwestern cuisine! In this post, you will find a web-based assignment where students learn more about quesadillas before preparing in the lab.

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Quinoa Mini-Lesson & Lab

When you teach about grains, do you include quinoa?  If not, you might want to consider exposing your students to this ancient grain. In this Quinoa Mini-Lesson & Lab, students get a quick overview followed by a tasty 43 minute lab and quick project! Take a look, give it a try and give your students a chance to try a potentially new food!

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Love Languages for Children Lesson

February is always associated with hearts and love! Are you and your students familiar with the love languages? Why not use this Love Languages for Children Lesson to teach your students about Gary Chapman’s five love languages as they pertain to parenting? Read on to learn more.

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Time Management Lesson

Time is an amazing thing! We all have equal amounts of it! It’s something we all need, however, we all view it and use it differently! Is your personal and family time balanced or is it a hot mess? This Time Management Lesson explores a variety of concepts associated with time management, culminating in an engaging family planning exercise that will have your students thinking critically as they organize life events for a family!

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Eating Disorders

Unfortunately, since the pandemic, Eating Disorders have been on the rise. I’ve been seeing a lot of requests for updated lessons on Eating Disorders. So in this post you will find a variety of engaging lessons to help keep your students focused as they learn more about the three most common types of eating disorders.

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