Category: Foods & Nutrition

Stuffed Shells Take Home Meal Fundraiser

Prepare these delicious stuffed shells as a fundraiser or in your student restaurant. Read more for tips on how to make this fundraiser a success and a profit spreadsheet to get you started.

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Pizza Competition

Nothing smells as good as homemade pizza baking with a little bit of competition in the air to make your classroom pulse. This lesson not only allows students to learn how to make pizza dough and sauce from scratch but also helps them develop their plating skills.

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Burritos- Take Home Meals Fundraiser

Prepare this delicious burrito bake as a take home meal fundraiser or serve it in your student restaurant. Tips on how to make this fundraiser a success with the evaluation, labels, and order form to help you get started.

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Raspberry Cheesecake Cookies

Reverse engineering packaged foods has been a hobby of mine for a few years now. It is fascinating how “they” come up with these products and to see if I can recreate them to make them taste better in my own kitchen. As many of you know and hopefully have tried by now, Subway came introduced their raspberry cheesecake cookies through a free raspberry cheesecake cookie promotion on Valentine’s Day just a month ago. As soon as I tried it I thought it was excellent and immediately wanted to make them in large quantities at home!

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Family and Consumer Sciences Course Expectations & Outlines

Need some ideas on how to construct your course or write curriculum? Here are a few examples from other Family Consumer Science programs!

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The Effects of Flour on Cookies

The purpose of this lesson is to see how different types of flour changes a cookie recipe. The ultimate objective is to determine the best flour to use in this cookie recipe and why flours change the cookie.

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Homemade Sour Gummy Worms

I have always been enamored with figuring out how to make packaged foods from scratch. I also really really like sour gummy worms. So combining my two passions, I decided to figure out how to make these tasty treats from scratch. Hours of trial and error later, I came up with a recipe that tastes good and sour and wins me lots of brownie points with my students.

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Chicken Broccoli Fettuccine Alfredo Fundraiser

At the end of the grains, pasta, and rice unit we usually do a pasta fundraiser. This chicken, broccoli, fettuccine Alfredo is a popular choice among the faculty that can purchase this for lunch or as a take home meal.

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