Category: Foods & Nutrition

Choose MyPlate Lessons, Worksheets, Activities

Since the new FDA food guide recommendations came out we’ve all scrambled to revamp our nutrition lessons to meet the new requirements. Since it has been a few months there are new resources available that you should be aware of. You’ll find links, lesson plans, power points, worksheets, and products to help you stay on top of the changes.

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Ever seen the television show “Chopped”? My students love to watch it and have been bugging me to let them compete in our class. However, with large classes, short bells, and limited budget, it was proving to be a bit difficult. However, I think I have figured out a good way to go about it. I think it’s a great and of the year project as well, because it helps get rid of extra food in a good way.

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Thanksgiving Ideas for your Classroom

The holiday season can be stressful for us as the students get riled up in anticipation of school break, classes get shorter making it hard to cram our lessons into half days, and our personal lives get busy. I personally view holidays as a way to celebrate with students and take some of the pressure off of the normal academia pacing that at this time of the semester can leave us all exhausted. Here are a few holiday ideas to either help your department raise money, fit in some extra holiday excitement, or comply with a half day schedule.

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Creepy Crawly Yummy Bug Recipes

In many parts of the world people eat insects as part of their daily diets. Bugs are high in protein and have even been stated as possibly being the answer to the world’s hunger problems. Let your students decide for themselves by exploring entomophagy (bug eating) through this fear facing f0od lesson.

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Sandwich Glog Project

Tired of messy physical posters? Introducing Glogs–virtual, interactive posters that don’t take up physical space and are a blast to create. Use this new virtual poster technology with any subject! This lesson is a fast, fun way to teach students about sandwiches and incorporate technology all at the same time!

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Pop Tarts from Scratch

I don’t know if you like pop tarts or not but they have a large student following. Personally I think the crust tastes like cardboard but I guess kids don’t notice. Why not learn how to make kid’s favorite snack from scratch and turn it into an experiment?

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Subway Economics

This lesson follows a case study of a busy couple that is challenged by one of their coworker’s to figure out whether it is cheaper to make sandwiches or buy them from Subway. Students get a chance to apply their critical thinking & problem solving skills to a practical problem as well as get a chance to learn basic math in Excel.

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Cooking up International Cuisine: Summer Professional Development

This June, I had the opportunity to take a Foreign Foods class taught by 2008 Chef of the Year, Chef Tom Siegel, CEC. It was a 5 day intensive, beginning at 8 a.m. and ending between 3 and 4 in the afternoon. Each day focused on a different country or region. Monday was Greece, Tuesday was Italy, Wednesday was “The Magreb”: Morocco and Tunisia, Thursday was Southeast Asia: Thailand and Vietnam, and Friday was BBQ through the American South.

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