Category: Foods & Nutrition


How could I say “no” when my students wanted to learn more about vegetarianism?  We had already covered major nutrients so they knew the ins and outs of complete and incomplete proteins and how to make complementing protein combinations.  Still, they wanted…

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Baking & Pastry Equipment Tips

Sometimes there are seemingly obvious tips and tricks that we know about baking and pastry equipment that might be really helpful for others. I know when I was developing a brand new baking and pastry arts class, I knew nothing about commercial baking and every tip and “obvious fact” was hard to come by. So here is a list I’d like you all to contribute to so we can make it easier for new teachers.

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Cake Decorating Unit

There are lots of cake decorating classes students can take at the local craft store so I thought I was off the hook when it came to cake decorating, but my students begged me so I gave in. I didn’t want it to be so complex and more of an overview so I planned a week (3 blocks) of instruction with practice then I had them work on their own cake for another 3 blocks and present the final results. In fact there was so much excitement from this unit, students actually came to class early. Ha!

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Popcorn: “Pop”pourri of Activities

This classic, fun food has been around for over 5000 years, transforms itself into snowflake and mushroom shapes, goes from un-edible to edible when exposed to heat, makes noise and is celebrated every January 19th!  You got it…it’s POPCORN!  These…

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You’ve probably watched the SUPERBOWL on television, heard stories about SUPER HEROES with SUPER POWERS like SUPERMAN, but have you ever eaten SUPERFOODS?  This lesson and activities exposes students to very common SUPERFOODS, explores why they are so important for…

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Pinata Christmas Cookies

Making Christmas cookies is fun but always challenging to find new, fresh ideas from the traditional basics. Pinata cookies are cookies that have candies in the center (like a pinata) that are not baked with the candy in the center…

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Thanksgiving Lessons, Worksheets, PowerPoints

Here are a few holiday ideas to either help your department raise money, fit in some extra holiday excitement, or comply with a half day schedule. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Extreme Lesson Plan Make Over: Leavening Agents

Christine, a family and consumer science teacher from New Jersey submitted her leavening agents lesson plan for a makeover. This is what she said about it, “I love that I am attempting to show show the students the food science…

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Leavening Agents Lab

In this lesson, baking soda, baking powder, and yeast are compared and contrasted through lab experimentation with the three leavening agents. Time Frame: 52 Minutes Class Size: 24 Objectives The students will understand which chemical reactions occur that cause baked…

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