Category: 4 C’s

Canned Soup Challenge

Canned soup may be viewed as a quick and easy meal, albeit boring, generic, and bland. However, who says that canned soup has to be eaten as is? With a bit of creativity and a few extra ingredients, possibilities are endless when it comes to kicking up a little ‘ole can of soup. Why not show your students how to do this by assigning them the Canned Soup Challenge and then let them loose in the kitchen? To round it out, bring in judges to taste and evaluate their final products.

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Fishbowl Game

Do your students sit and stare at you? Is getting them to talk a challenge–especially at the start of a new semester or unit?  One way to combat that and include
some friendly competition is to incorporate the Fishbowl Game!  This game has become one of my favorite activities to engage students and get them to relax and open up. This minimal prep game can be used to introduce new content, vocabulary words, holiday fun and more.  It’s a great team building exercise that can also be used with adults if you have to share teaching ideas among your faculty!

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Inflation & The Family

Inflation! It’s everywhere, all at once, affecting everyone! The lessons and activities found in this “Inflation & The Family” post will help students understand the impact of it on a variety of families. Additionally, students will explore ways that families can fight inflation.

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Bloomin’ Garden Toast Breakfast Lab: Part II

If you tuned into the website last week, you found the Breakfast Lesson: Part I featuring the Rule of 3. Today’s post features the corresponding Bloomin’ Garden Toast Breakfast Lab: Part II. This lab not only follows the rule of 3, but incorporates knife skills and creativity all within a 43 minute period!

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Breakfast Lesson: Part I

Who knew there could be so much information out there to teach about breakfast, but there is! I guess when you’re deemed the “most important meal of the day,” there’s a lot to learn and/or teach! In this “Breakfast Lesson: Part I,” the theory behind why breakfast matters and how to create a healthy breakfast will be shared. A lab applying the information will be shared in Part II, so you’ll have to stay tuned!

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MRE Kits: Chopped Challenge

During an inservice, our local National Guard did a presentation for us on how they could be a post-secondary option for students upon graduation. They also shared some opportunities they could offer the school such as knocker balls, rock climbing walls and my favorite…the MRE Kits: Chopped Challenge. Keep reading to learn more about this fun event!

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Showcase: Hidden Hobbies

Our librarian put together a display of hidden hobbies created by teachers and staff to showcase what they do outside of the classroom. It was a great success, not only with teacher and staff participation, but with student interest. It got me to thinking that the same thing could be done with our students and so the “Showcase: Hidden Hobbies” was created. It’s a great way to feature students who have talent, but may not participate in the traditional extra- curricular activities.

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WIC Healthy Meal Challenge

In an effort to add gamification components to her courses and create memorable learning experiences for her students, Jennifer Estes, a North Carolina FACS teacher, created this WIC Healthy Meal Challenge. You’ll have to check out this lesson as it promotes student engagement, risk taking, creativity, critical thinking and problem solving, in addition to covering Jennifer’s course standards!

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Family Life Cycle Stages & Case Study

If you teach about the family, you no doubt include a few lessons or a unit on the family life cycle. In my class, I focus on each stage and do an in depth study around each stage. However, I have to introduce the stages of the theory and have done so in a variety of ways. Normally, I do an iron chef intro, but this year, due to a smaller class, I had to create a different strategy. I will include both versions in this Family Life Cycle Stages & Case Study post.

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The Puzzle Factory: Employability Skills

When I begin my unit on getting a job, I always, always, always start with employability skills. This is where The Puzzle Factory: Employability Skills comes in. This activity is a super fun and engaging way to help students understand hard and soft skills associated with the world of work. Read on to learn how this works!

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