Author: M.Sandoval

Environmental Birth Defects Lesson

Students will research environmentally caused birth defects and create a pamphlet encouraging mothers to make wise choices about their lifestyle choices. Students will present their findings and pamphlet to the class.

Quality Clothing

What is a high quality garment? Do brand names necessarily mean that an item is high quality? Which do you use more in evaluating apparel; quality, price or your knowledge about quality? How much does the price of a garment tell you about the quality of the apparel you buy?

Make Your Own Cereal Lab

I always have my students look at cereal labels and compare two different kinds. We’ll this lesson takes it to the next level by allowing students to bake their own cereal, make an accurate nutrition label for their cereal, create advertising, and delve into FDA regulations on food labeling.

Elements and Principles of Design The Gingerbread Way

Teaching the elements and principles of design gets monotonous. There are always the traditional standbys like having students find a magazine picture and label the elements and principles, but I was looking for something more creative. With the holiday season in full swing I wanted to make a gingerbread house for a friend so I decided to make the inside of a gingerbread house using the elements and principles of design. Not into the whole gingerbread thing? The same idea can be used to create a diorama out of a shoe box and it will save you the time baking.

Homemade Vs. Box Mix Cupcake Lab

Which are better- cupcakes made from a box mix or made from scratch? In starting a cake unit I like to facilitate this experiment making boxed cupcakes and from scratch cupcakes to allow students to draw their own conclusions about which one tastes better and calculate which one is cheaper.

New York City Professional Development Opportunities

If you live near enough to NYC there are more than a few things to check out as far as Family Consumer Professional Development is concerned. My favorite is taking a tour of the French Culinary Institute (462 Broadway New…

Personal Finance Resources

“Many young people fail in the management of their first consumer credit experience, establish bad financial management habits, and stumble through their lives learning by trial and error” states the Jump$tart Coalition. From this reality many programs have emerged all with one goal- to financially educate our young people. On this post I tried to list many of the notable programs, games, and websites that provide resources for financial literacy.

Online Fashion Design

On a recent internet search I found the coolest online fashion design sites that allows you to dress a model with real designer clothes and accessories. You can even change the facial expressions of the models.  I had so much…

Electric Quilt

Electric Quilt integrates sewing with technology. It allows students to combine blocks, borders and virtual fabrics, turning their computer screen into a design wall. The program allows one to print quilt labels, draw original block designs, and even import scanned fabric and photos.

Good Relationship Resources

Dibble Fund: a research based organization that provides educational tools for educators to educate teens on how to be emotionally healthy and have healthy relationships. Their latest Love Notes Lesson Plans: Relationship curriculum for teenagers. Sample lessons are provided for…