Author: K.Graybill

Kim Graybill is a veteran Family and Consumer Science teacher who teaches both middle and high school in Pennsylvania.

Escape Portion Distortion

Looking for a fun, interactive and somewhat challenging activity when teaching about portions? I was! Since I love using breakouts, I created “Escape Portion Distortion” that can be done with the locks and boxes if you have them or digitally, using Google Forms if you don’t…win-win for everyone!

Delayed Gratification, Patience & Consistency

In a world of “instants” does patience still exist? And, should we be teaching children delayed gratification skills and how to be patient instead of immediately giving into their every “whim”? This lesson explores this topic and demonstrates to students why being consistent and teaching children to be patient yields greater success later on in life.

All About the Roux–ONE PAGER

In my opinion, knowing how to make a roux is a ” kitchen basic” that students should know how to create as it’s the base for many soups and sauces, including gravy.  This interactive assignment incorporates a strategy that I’ve been seeing a lot lately, mostly in the ELA world where it’s used to summarize important text information.  I thought it would work well as a  way to highlight and summarize important food information. So, here is my rendition of a food related one pager.

Family Life Cycle Collage Project

In the past, I shared a technology based project titled, “Family Life Cycle: Prezi Project”. The project required students to create a Prezi to introduce their assigned stage of the family life cycle. I totally used that project until I didn’t! Why? My students are unable to create Prezi’s on their iPads; they can only view them. Because of this little snafu, I’ve had my students create hand generated collages around their assigned family life cycle stage, using their iPads to research the information. When students were finished, they displayed them in order on my wall like a train, and I must admit they looked pretty darn impressive!

Starter Pack Meme Ideas

My son recently introduced me to “starter pack memes” which I had to look up! He had to create one for a college “get to know you” activity and once I knew what it was, I thought it would make a great, fun and interactive activity. So, below you will find my starter pack meme ideas for topics that can be used in a variety of different content areas along with instructions for creating.

Food Safety: Web-Activity & Review

You might wonder why I have so many lessons and/or activities for the same topic. The truth is I teach three different classes where I need to cover “food safety” before I let students go into the lab/kitchen. I don’t want to do the same thing in each of those classes because many of my students I see again for other electives, hence, the need for variety! Even if you don’t teach multiple courses like I do, you may just want to shake up your own lesson or add this Food Safety: Web-Activity & Review to your arsenal of resources for future use!

What Children Need Silhouettes

What do children need physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially in order to grow and develop? Students brainstorm ideas and share their knowledge of children’s needs to raise awareness and show others the responsibilities of parents and caregivers as they create their own “What Children Need Silhouettes”.

Kitchen Hazards Flipgrid Style

Before I even think about letting my students into the kitchens to cook, I want to be sure they have a good working knowledge of the do’s and don’ts associated with kitchen safety. Kitchen Hazards Flipgrid Style is just one of the activities I use to convey and reinforce that concept. There are a lot of things I like about this activity. First, it’s mostly student-directed, secondly, it uses technology and third, it involves a variety of the 4 C’s: collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking.

A Culinary Introduction: My Slice of the Pie

Most teachers spend a few days at the beginning of the new school year doing activities that help them get to know their students better. These types of activities help teachers learn more about their students and also begin to help establish a positive teacher-student rapport. A Culinary Introduction: “My Slice of the Pie” is an engaging food themed activity shared by Sherwood High School’s ProStart teacher Lisa Gilbert of Maryland. Read on to learn more…

Heading to Missouri’s (MoEFACS) Summer Conference!

In just a few short days, I will be presenting at the Missouri State (MoEFACS) summer conference! I’ve been invited to present a couple of sessions! I’m excited to be sharing some brand new lessons and resources with participants and to finally meet so many teachers face-to-face that I’ve had the pleasure of corresponding with via email over the years!